How To Take Care Of Your Roof In Summer

How To Take Care Of Your Roof In Summer


Summer has arrived and with it comes the hot temperatures and high level of humidity. In the summer, your roof is exposed to high temperatures and UV rays, both of which can cause major damage. If you don’t take care of it properly, your roof will soon be in trouble. Being exposed to the elements, your roof is particularly vulnerable so you need to take extra care of it. In order to avoid costly roof repairs, you should follow some preventive measures. Here are some tips that can help you keep your roof in top shape.

Clean the gutters – The gutters have an important role in keeping the water away from your walls and foundation, but if they are clogged or damaged, water will accumulate on the roof and this can lead to serious problems including leaks and structural damage. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to clean the gutters at least twice a year.

Check for damaged shingles – High winds and heavy rain can cause the shingles to become loose or even cracked so you should perform a thorough inspection of your roof at least once a year (twice a year if your roof has moss or algae). If you notice missing or damaged shingles, it’s best to hire a professional contractor because if you try to replace them yourself, you risk causing more damage to your property (the surrounding shingles will also come off). Check chimneys, vents, and flashing for cracks or corrosion. If there are any leaks inside your home, check if they were caused by water infiltration through a crack in the roof. If this is what happened, then this crack needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Look for signs of deterioration on the shingles and replace them if necessary. Don’t wait until autumn to do this; as soon as you notice that something is wrong with your roof, call a professional to fix it. Consolidated roofing for Local roofers can be an easy task if they have enough experience it

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Remove algae, moss and lichen from your roof tiles. These can all cause roof damage over time, so it’s a good idea to regularly remove them. However, you should avoid using pressure washers because they can damage the tiles and mortar. Instead, use a soft brush and warm water. In some cases, you may want to hire a professional cleaner who uses special equipment to clean and restore roofs.

Check your flashing – this is the metal that seals gaps between different parts of your roof, like chimneys and dormer windows. Flashing can become damaged over time as a result of fluctuating temperatures or extreme weather conditions like heavy rain and high winds. If you notice that any flashing has come loose or is damaged in any way, you’ll need to repair it as soon as possible.