Your Home for Fall

4 Tips on How to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Home Improvement

When you think of fall, images of pumpkin spice, colorful leaves, and cozy scarves come to mind. But when the cold weather starts, you don’t want to be caught unprepared. It’s essential that you prepare your home for fall and winter weather. Preparations can include winterizing your pipes or a furnace tune-up by Mister Quik Home Services. Here are four tips on how to get your home ready for the colder weather.

Inspect Your Chimney and Roof

Most North American houses have asphalt shingle roofs, which have a 15-20 years lifespan if correctly installed. It’s a good idea to inspect your roof and chimney towards the end of summer every year to ensure that there are no loose or missing shingles. You should also look out for any damage, mold, or rot signs.

Check your eavestroughs for chunksthat may have chipped off the shingles, which is a sign of heavy wear. You should also check that the eavestroughs and flashing are adequately secured. If you properly inspect your roof and chimney, you won’t be caught with leaks during heavy weather later on.

When you inspect your chimney, ensure that there’s no build-up from previous winters. Chimneys attract various animals and birds that like making nests inside. Check that it’s clear of any branches and twigs. If needed, you can get a chimney sweep to clean correctly.

If your roof doesn’t have asphalt shingles, it’s best to have a professional do the inspection.

Weatherproof Your Windows and Doors

Window and door frames can be a source of cold air getting into your house. Replace the weather stripping around all your doors and windows during the late summer or early fall. You can hold a lit candle up to each window and door to find a draft source. If the flame moves or is blown out, cold air is coming. there.

Install a door sweep at the bottom of your door, which will increase the effectiveness of keeping cold air outside. Not only will weatherproofing help you stay warm and cozy indoors, but it will also help you save on your electric bill.

Clean Your Gutters

Your gutters keep water and snow away from your roof, helping to protect it. In turn, this will stop leaks from occurring during the winter. Clear your gutters from any debris, including leaves, nests, branches, and twigs. Only a clean gutter can serve its purpose properly. Invest in a telescopic gutter wand to make this process easier.

Gutter Guard Ipswich, Gutter Protection Ipswich

Get Your Winter Tools Ready

As soon as the first leaves start to fall, you have to have tools ready to keep your gutters clear, keep snow out of your driveway and off your car. Make sure you have all the necessary tools at hand and that it’s all in working condition. There’s nothing worse than being snowed in, and you can’t get out of your car or get the snow off it.

Relaxing, Lounging, Saturday, Cozy, Fireplace, Winter

Final Thoughts

Making sure your house is ready for fall and winter means that you can sit back and relax in front of a warm fire instead of running around trying to fix leaks. Make a list of everything that should be done in the late summer, and set a deadline for yourself. Once this is done, you can enjoy the beautiful fall colors and winter magic.